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(450 mm) below the underside of the pier or wharf deck. (250 mm) below the bottom plane of the stringer, and not more than 18 in. The deflectors of sprinklers on lines under stringers shall be located not less than 4 in.*Where crisscross construction is involved, closer spacing of sprinklers shall be permitted as necessary to provide wetting of the entire structure.Sprinklers on branch lines shall be staggered and spaced not to exceed 8 ft (2.4 m) on center.Spacing between branch lines shall not exceed 10 ft (3 m).Where spacing or arrangement of stringers constitutes typical open-joist construction directly supporting the deck, sprinkler branch lines shall be installed between the bents at right angles to the stringers and shall meet the following requirements:.The maximum coverage per sprinkler head shall be limited to 80 ft 2 (7.4 m 2).The following design and installation guides shall apply where pendent sprinklers in the upright position or old-style sprinklers are to be utilized: * The supply line to the duct sprinklers, if taken from the ceiling sprinkler system, shall be equipped with an accessible listed control valve.* The system demand shall include the discharge from the hydraulically most remote adjacent sprinklers in a common 100 linear ft (30.5 m) area of duct (horizontal and/or vertical).Sprinklers shall be ordinary temperature rated, unless required to be higher due to operating temperatures measured in the ducts, in which case the operating temperature shall be at least 50☏ (28☌) above the inside temperature of the duct.Sprinklers shall provide a minimum flow of 30 gpm (114 L/min) per head at a minimum of 15 psi (1 bar) pressure.If exhaust ducts are manifolded, a sprinkler shall be located in the manifold at the junction of each exhaust duct with the manifold.Horizontal exhaust ducts shall have sprinklers located on 12 ft (3.7 m) centers beginning no more than 6 ft (1.7 m) from the duct entrance.

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Additional sprinklers shall be spaced on 24 ft (7.3 m) centers if the rise is greater than 24 ft (7.3 m).

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  • One sprinkler shall be located at the top of each vertical riser and at the midpoint of each offset.
  • (0.25 m) but less than 12 ft (3.7 m) shall meet all of the following requirements: Sprinkler systems protecting stacks or ducts with widths or diameters equal to or greater than 10 in.

    Personal Backup free instals